Type(s) of organization : Student Association

Bureau des Arts - BDA

After seeing a mysterious white color, the Centraliens are stepping in the Wond'ArtLand.
In this new world of fantasy and danger, the BDA, Bureau Des Arts, is your guide.
We are managing all the things that concerns the culture and art in Centrale Nantes. Among the multitude of clubs - dance, sing, musiic, cinema, theatre... -and the events that will punctuate the year, you will definitely find what you are looking for!

Themed evenings, visits, and even cultural weekends await you.

Contact details :
ACECN-Nantes Bureau des Arts 1 rue de la Noé 44300 Nantes
Website :
Email. :

Executive members

President : Anaïs DA SILVA
Vice-President : Nicolas LEPERTEL
Vice-President : Matteo LAMBLIN
Treasurer : Feryel YAHI
General Secretary : Romane PRILLO
Published on March 30, 2017 Updated on June 24, 2024