Back to school - useful information

Online enrolment and supporting documents

Enrolment is now completed online. You will receive an e-mail mid-August inviting you to log onto the ONBOARD platform to complete the enrolment process.

Optional membership: BDE, BDS, Alumni

On the first day of term engineering students can subscribe to the Student Association (BDE, BDA and BDS), Sports Association (AS) and Centrale Nantes Alumni.


As part of the enrolment process you are required to read, sign and upload in "on-board" the following codes / charters: 

Don't forget to bring:

  • mandatory sports kit for sports activities 
  • a medical certificate stating that you are fit to take part in competitive sports activities 
+ come equipped for the academic year with a pair of trainers suitable for the artificial sports pitch (cost around €15).
Published on August 27, 2018 Updated on July 5, 2024