A 40-acre campus in Nantes

Video transcript

Welcome to one of France’s most prestigious engineering schools.
This is where we prepare the world of tomorrow - a sustainable world where research and teaching inspire each other, where we contribute each and nervy day to meeting the challenges of energy transition, the factory of the future and healthcare.
Welcome to a school which offers more than 400 course combinations, q school where students play an active role in decision making, a diverse school with over 70 nationalities on campus.
Welcome to Centrale Nantes.

Centrale Nantes houses 17 buildings on a 40-acre green campus. In addition to the standard facilities of a university campus (classrooms, media library, computer rooms, etc.), it is home to 13 research platforms, some of which are unique in France, and modern and varied sports facilities, the Centrale-Audencia-Ensa incubator and vibrant student life.

Campus facilities:

  • 45 classrooms
  • 6 lecture theatres
  • 13 computer rooms (with nearly 180 fully equipped PCs and extended opening hours)
  • 1 media library
  • 6 research institutes
  • Sports and cultural facilities: 1 gymnasium, 1 multisport/dojo hall, squash courts, 1 piano room
  • 1 student house
  • Student residence - a limited number of places are available for our first-year international bachelor-level students in the Max Schmitt halls of residence on campus
  • 1 FabLab, a space designed to encourage innovation and creativity, open to students and staff of the school
  • 1 online platform for students, Onboard, with timetables, grades, attendance management, distance learning and teaching resources,
  • 1 Moodle platform (Hippocampus) with collaborative functionality available to faculty and students (additional resources, working groups, forum, online assessments, etc.).
  • Students also have access to meeting rooms / learning innovation / videoboxes equipped with video projectors, cameras, interactive whiteboards, etc., for their classes, presentation preparation, project work, etc.
  • 1 lifelong email address and an individual digital workspace and storage space, with remote 24H access.

Published on March 23, 2017 Updated on January 8, 2025